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What Should Go On a Kitchen Remodel Checklist?

Remodeling your kitchen is a terrific way to combine your needs with your personality. Maybe you’d like a deep set sink to hold all your family’s dishes and also have a funky, black and white tile floor. It’s functional self-expression, and you don’t want to lose sight of either side of that when planning your kitchen remodel. Check out this list to be sure you don’t miss a beat when plotting out your new kitchen! 

1. Make A List Of Desired Updates

Think of what kinds of updates you’d like that can increase your kitchen experience. Does it include the following?

  • Appliances
  • Backsplash
  • Cabinets
  • New Color Scheme
  • Countertops
  • Drywall
  • Flooring
  • Plumbing
  • Paint
  • Sink
  • Windows

This list can serve as a guide for your kitchen remodel and allow you to recognize where to begin and what to budget for. Also think about what your overarching style should be. Is it farmhouse shabby-chic or minimalist modern? 

2. Create A Budget You Can Stick To

Yes, we all want two ovens, a wine-storage system and a six-burner stove. However, this is not necessarily the most realistic expectation for your remodel budget. You need to determine if you can truly fit all of these costs in and, if not, where you’re willing to sacrifice. 

3. Create A Vision Board

You can easily hop on Pinterest and create your own virtual vision board of what you’d like your kitchen to look like. If you’re starting from scratch, a Google search can help you identify current trends and style options to help you generate some ideas of what you’d like for yourself. If you find yourself coming up short, you can always reach out to MVI Construction for guidance and resources.

4. Plan Ahead 

Realistically, remodels take time. It can be weeks or even months before the job is done, so you need to be patient. Remember, Rome wasn’t built in a day and you want your home to look and feel amazing in the end. Be sure to consider how a lack of kitchen access will impact your day-to-day and be sure it’s something you can manage. 

5. DIY Or Hire A Contractor?

We know the internet is full of DIY tutorials for everything under the sun, and it’s awesome! However, you need to consider the amount of time and and energy that each small project takes, as well as if you have the skills and tools necessary to get the job done correctly. The sense of self-satisfaction can be huge, but one wrong misstep can truly cause major costs and headaches in the end. Hiring a professional can ensure the job is done as efficiently as possible, with warranties and quality guarantees in tact. Yes, it can feel expensive to hire a professional, but it’s worth it. You won’t ever regret not flooding your own kitchen while trying to save a few bucks, we promise.  

Let MVI Construction handle all your kitchen remodeling needs with our team of experts today!

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6819 Hwy Blvd #620 Katy, TX 77494

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